Thursday, February 18, 2010

Girl Front Wedgie Embarrassed In Front Of The Girl. Damn Underwear?

Embarrassed in front of the girl. damn underwear? - girl front wedgie

It happened yesterday.

Ok, while I was there to talk to the girl, near the beginning of the day today. I had my pants, black Adidas tracksuit. Unfortunately hadnt pulled the cord tight, and end up getting my pants. There should be a big deal, but the size of today's reading of gray "Hanes' followed by the white cloth will be displayed. I was wearing my tighty whiti. Generally not used on days when there is no gym. She began to crack, and I quickly covered my pants and walked away. I was a few yards to the end of the day he was intercepted by three people. tends to dominate and tighty whiti raised high on his back and hung from the top in his locker. It's embarrassing to pull it up is by LOcker and tell the guy for me to leave him alone. while laughing at me, though.

Have I lost my chance with her?
And what do I do with underwear? For now I have another nasty wedgie tighty whiti


xoChicki... said...

I regret what happened! I can not believe people can be so bad! But honestly, it's just underwear. The next time you see the cool Law and laugh. I know it can be very annoying, but if you try to prove that he will not care, they think it's great not themselves too seriously. Sorry, but I'm sure you understand.
Also, see a man in his underwear is a little strange ... I mean, think about. If it was you, I laughed .... I do not think it would ruin his chances with her. Like I said, it's just underwear helps everyone. He would have laughed, but I'm sure he just now come to do so and if it helped in the ESthe day, I am sure that things are good = D

soni said...

Man, sounds like a scene from the movie! I do not know, we could still have a chance, I think, has gotten it after all. As for underwear, yes, go to command ... if it happens again, I want to laugh again, but if you're lucky, you can impress!

Ammaria K said...

Ugh, what stinks! In fact, it sounds a bit like a movie! Just try to act so as safely as possible (at least pretending to, anyway). Maybe you should start instead of underwear. Good luck!

Jack Frosty said...

Just go command. Then he can you a wedgie.

<3 x said...

Why not shorts, so that they are nothing to joke. You still have a chance if you stay calm when talking with her. x

♥Amba♥ said...

pssht! Of course not! I do not want to list ... I can not think of a particular person id love to see your underwear! I have the boy even more! I spend my PIQ!

hey your cute. said...

^ Hahahah

bAiLeY :D said...

how ?????? ru that
After a few weeks and talk to him again the whole thing will be in the back

I hope that helped!

Joseph H said...


Joseph H said...


xokalixo said...

Well .. you suck.
Just Be cool, a fact embarresed and you want it.
To act like as if nothing happened ...

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