Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sugar Substitutes For Diabetics Which Sugar Substitute And Milk Is Good For Diabetics Patients Available In US Market?

Which sugar substitute and milk is good for diabetics patients available in US Market? - sugar substitutes for diabetics

I'm not sure that the United States, but in Australia you can buy something called Stevia too. It comes from the leaves of the stevia plant, which are naturally sweet, but very safe for diabetics. It comes in the form of tablets, which sugarine is what is good to put in tea, etc. Even in liquid and powder that can be used in the kitchen. It is very difficult when you only need small quantities at a time.
Another product is xylitol. Can be obtained from fruits or maize. It's like sugar and is used in similar quantities. It is also very safe for diabetics.
I'm not so sure that the milk. I actually thought that milk is for diabetics who do not believe their sugar content is very high good. There is more protein and fat. The main sugar found in milk is lactose, although you get the milk without lactose, sometimes even in the fresh milk section of your supermarket, but always in the section of long life.
Good luck to you, what you need! I hope I've helped.


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